Often times it’s easy to stay in the abstract realm when describing things here on the field in Chiang Rai, Thailand. This is especially true when it comes to the spiritual heart and soul of our team - the prayer room. Without placing your own two feet on the ground and seeing firsthand with your own eyes the picture remains a little blurry. We understand. Yes, these days photography and video do wonders to help focus that blurry image somewhat but even then the nitty-gritty details of the story that is unfolding in real time can easily go unseen. So here are some detailed snapshots to bring you into the story in a greater way.
"So, what does prayer and worship look like at Ezekiel Rain?"
Nueng hearing God say to her in the prayer room that He would enlarge her heart even more in a season when her case load of trauma and trafficking survivors became more than she could handle.
Ter being moved to tears and encountering God in a whole new way as he leads worship for the first time in the prayer room.
Kelli leading spontaneous prayer during our Thursday intercession set for those contemplating suicide. Following this time of prophetic prayer our team went out to pray "on location" at a nearby bridge where many have jumped to their death. After praying over the area God led us to a young man struggling with depression in that very spot on that very day. Our team was able to pray for him, share prophetic words, and offer counseling.
Chu laying on hands and praying over teammates during devotional prayer in the morning before they jump into their tasks for the day.
Trauma survivors moved to tears in our morning worship times and receiving healing prayer ministry from our team afterwards.
Uniting with pastors, local leaders, NGO workers, and university students from around the city in intercession for revival and justice in Chiang Rai.
And now in this season, worshipping and praying together daily through our prayer room live stream while scattered around the city and in our homes during the Covid-19 outbreak.
These are just a few glimpses of how real people on our team are connecting with God and then others in real ways. First UP, then OUT. The story is unfolding and prayer is the means God has chosen to write it.