In our RESTORE and RENEW programs, we use our own curriculum, Treasured One, to lead survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation on a journey of discovering the truth of their value and identity as the foundation for healing.
The Treasured One curriculum was developed over years of working with the boys in our aftercare home and learning from pioneers who have developed resources for trauma survivors. It is designed to follow a modified Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) process, while pointing to Jesus as Healer.
The lessons and the workbook create a step-by-step process for counseling trauma survivors, specifically survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation, while equipping their caregivers with healing tools as well. The Thai language curriculum is user friendly and relevant to SE Asian culture. It was designed as an equipping tool for national workers to use in a culture where professional counseling is extremely limited.
This restoration curriculum takes 6-12 months to walk through and empowers healing, aids attachment, unpacks trauma, educates, encourages hope through testimonies of other survivors and strengthens survivors and families by facilitating holistic healing to all who have been affected by trauma.
The curriculum helps a survivor find his or her voice, provides a platform to process the past, and tools to walk in freedom in the future. This curriculum continues to be modified and its impact assessed as we walk through it with those in our RESTORE and RENEW programs.
“…when I look back and see how far I have come, and I can see everything that has been accomplished in my life, only by the grace of God. Today, I can honestly say that God has been faithful to me and that he has restored my life. What was meant for evil, God has used for good, and I just want others to see it too.”
In our programs, we have learned from the following people and utilize parts of their curriculum resources as well:
Dr. Becca Johnson, Psychologist
Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse curricula by Steven R. Tracy
Princess Lost & Princess Found curricula by Mending the Soul
Healing Arts Toolkit curriculum by Arts Aftercare
Bringing Healing to Traumatized Children by Hill, Braaksma and Westman